Joy Breath
Joy Breath
Using our own joy breath we are micro-dosing oxytocin for a supplemental self hug simply because it feels good.
You smile a little bit to yourself when you realize you just agreed to spend a minute breathing and remembering joyful moments.Mmm … the smiling feels good.
You’ve probably heard … we're not getting enough … as it is. Hugs, that is. Slow, gentle, deep breaths … you … remembering ...joyful moments.
Hopefully, they may spill over you as first you felt them and you feel the flowing again.
Breath in and in and in until the tippy top two puffs of air are perched at the top top of your nostrils wondering whether they will be invited in or not. Let go. Breath out and down until you gently squeeze your lung belly empty.
Remember another joy. In. In. In. Out. Again. All over. All over. Mmm.
Wonderful.Thank you. Good work.Begin again.Whenever.
I’m going to stop talking soon. Carry-on as you wish. Stop. Start. Remember again.
Joy Breath at
Amp it up!